Our Organizational Elders

All Kings was founded in New York City in 2019. But we didn’t invent the wheel.

Much of our work was innovated and modeled to us by two organizations: Inside Circle and A Band of Brothers.

Inside Circle is based in California, and initiated 20 years ago as a men’s support program in Folsom Prison. Today, the organization operates programs across the country, empowering system impacted people to lead change from within by providing opportunities for incarcerated and formerly incarcerated people to heal and serve both themselves and others. They aim to reduce recidivism and all forms of violence – physical, emotional, and psychological – in our prisons and communities.

A Band of Brothers, a UK-based non-profit, was founded in 2006. The organization was born out of concern at the continuing escalation of self-destructive and anti-social behavior among young men from every section of society, together with the realization that any meaningful and sustainable solution entails the reclamation of shared local responsibility. They create communities of men to run rites of passage experiences for at-risk young men, and currently operate in over 15 cities across the UK, with 1500 men participating.

Since our launch, these organizations were instrumental in helping us create a similar program here in New York City. Anthony Hearn, a community development specialist from A Band of Brothers, gave countless hours helping us understand the modality that A Band of Brothers employs, and generating our own protocols. Eldra Jackson, Aaron Burris, and James McCleary from Inside Circle have served as guest facilitators and provided endless guidance and patient council.

We literally would not exist without these men. Please see the below work to learn more about these incredible organizations, and consider supporting them in addition to us.


Our Nature Quest Returns!


Online Intro Nights